Let Lighthouse guide you in your new career. We’re with you all the way.
Lighthouse Inspections Canada provides you with a detailed and proven marketing system to get your franchise growing – faster than you imagined! Created by experts and tested in the field, our program is a proven success. Marketing your business starts from the moment you join the Lighthouse team. Our nearly 25-year success story combines our sales, marketing and technical training with your enthusiasm and professional approach to get your business off to a running start! See what we have to offer:
Proven Marketing System
- Get your business off the ground confident that the marketing program provided by Lighthouse is tried and true – allowing you time to focus on growing your territory and servicing your customers.
A Team Who’s Got Your Covered
- Your clients will never be turned away. Tend to family matters. Go on vacation. Whatever the situation, you can count on another qualified inspector being available to help your most important clients until you return. Set your own schedule and know your team’s got you covered.
Existing Client Base
- Since the Lighthouse system is smaller you will have more access to areas you wish to pursue. Lighthouse has established territories available in the Greater Toronto Area which benefit from high brand recognition and loyalty, meaning you have access to existing business to start your franchise.
Business Plan Support
- Every reliable business resource will tell you – a good plan will drive success. We’re here to help.
Mentorship and Collaboration
- Work closely with home inspection mentors who’ll collaborate with you to help grow your business.